Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow, Yes This Time

Here's the latest on our Snow Event out here in the woods.
The snow had pretty much stopped by 16:00, or rather had turned to sleet.  The sleet went on into the night.  But in the morning the snow picked back up again.  The Fuzz put on his boots, and went out to tend to the critters.
He was able to catch this shot of one of the elusive Snow Kitties found in these woods.
Of course, all the kitties were not quite so thrilled with the weather.
As of 08:00, we seem to have around 4" on the ground in the woods.

The Fuzz couldn't resist these couple of closeups.
They claim the snow should continue through the day, but as this is being written, not much is happening.  However, things being what they are, it looks like The Fuzz and Family will just stay put for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the pictures