Since the weather has warmed up a bit, The Fuzz has been using his bike for his daily commute. It's a nice ride into town with the mist lying in the fields and sun rising behind the trees.
Here is a portrait of his beat up old bike, done by a little known, local artist.
Here is the last instalment of the saga of the destruction of our tea kettle. Last time, we showed you our Brand New Whistling Tea Kettle. But you may recall, that this was all brought about by a catastrophic failure of one of the large burners on our excellent cook stove. And so, that also was replaced. And here is a look at that. And so, the repairs are compleat. Isn't life exciting?
In the previous post we related the story behind the loss of our faithful tea kettle. While it is possible to boil tea water in any sauce pan, there is nothing like the whistling tea kettle. If nothing else, tradition demands it. And so as it was a rainy morning, we went off to the city in search of a suitable replacement. And here, The Fuzz is proud to present, our Brand New Shiny Tea Kettle! Now all that remains, is for The Fuzz to find a replacement burner for our "cooker". With luck, things should be back to normal by tomorrow evening.
With the Young Daughter off on an overnight visit, The Fuzz and His Sweetie had the evening to themselves. So after stopping by the old place to take care of some yard work, they went out their favorite Mexican Restaurant for some dinner. Then it was back to the woods for some coffee and an evening at home. That was pretty nice. In the morning they even got to stay in the bed until they actually wanted to get up. Again a nice change. Yet it did turn out to be an exciting morning after all. You will note, in the above pix, the somewhat damaged burner to the cook stove. As the tea kettle was happily heating up, there was a sudden pop and flash of light. This turned into the sound of what seemed to be an arc welder as sparks and smoke flew up from the stove. It seems that we experienced a burner blowout here. Unfortunately it also blew out out our water kettle. (Note at the red arrow) And as can be seen at the right, in this interior view, the kettle is ruint. But things could have been worse. What would have happened if The Fuzz and His Sweetie had not been right there to witness this? Would they now be sitting out there in the rain sadly looking over the charred ruins of their home? I don't know, but it did make for an exciting morning around here.
The Fuzz just couldn't resist another Dogwood pix. He sees them every day when he looks out the window. You will also notice how the trees have finally leafed out. It's nice to have a bit of shade since the sun can get pretty hot even this early in the year. But then, it's not really all that early anymore. The Fuzz was a little surprised to see that April is already half gone. We have been keeping ourselves occupied with yard work, gardens and such. The Fuzz is also getting started on a workshop out here. Not much has been done yet as you can see, but at least it is a start. This is the planned location. If one looks close*, one might see the stakes locating the future corners of the place. We're not talking huge here, maybe 224 sq ft. just some room for the table saw and welder. The Fuzz's Sweetie has been living with these items in her house (how many wives are so fortunate to have an arc welder in their very own kitchen!) for close to 30 years. Well, God willing, this may change soon. We'll also try to get some pix up of our exciting new Brick Patio soon.
Well, that Canuck came closest. Shoot we might as well give him credit for it. It is the track on this bridge building equipment, although not it's "imprint". Here is a look* at the machine itself. From a distance. But you can see the new bridge!These are some pix The Fuzz made a while back on one of his motorcycle rides. The Fuzz wanted me to apologize for not keeping up on these posts. He has been busy with another project that we won't go into here. But he says he will try to do better in the future.
Here's an update on those Dogwoods. Now they're looking better. A older fellow told me one time that the way to know when to plant corn, was when the Dogwoods were blooming. Well, The Fuzz isn't planning on planting any corn this year, but he still likes to see those Dogwood trees blooming out in the woods. With the temperature in the high 80's, and the sun out, we'll be wanting some shade soon. Shoot, we want it now! The trees are starting to leaf out, but it will take a few more days yet. At least it's not snowing anymore. And as you can see, even our Froggy Friend is enjoying the Springtime.
Spring is moving in on us here in NC. Here are some of the Dogwoods starting to open. They don't quite have their true color yet. But we'll keep y'all posted. And while we were in the Big City the other day, The Fuzz got this exciting Mystery Pix for y'all.
You can guess now, or wait for the next clue in 12 hours.