Thursday, July 05, 2018

Thoughts on Gardens

A few gatherings from the garden

Got some Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and a Squash along with some Sage & Rosemary.

Since moving back to the Old Place, The Fuzz has been trying to work the garden a bit.

At one time it was rather large as one might expect with a large family and low income.  But all that is not needed for an old guy by himself.
Along with downsizing, The Fuzz installed 3 raised beds which make it a bit easier to work with.

But this got Our Fuzz to thinkin' about things.
There was a time when a lot of folks worked a backyard garden- even in town.  Seems like you don't see that much these days.

When The Fuzz went to work for the city back in the "day"as they say, summer was the "heavy time" for garbage.*  This was because in this mill town most- or at least many people still worked those backyard gardens.  And that meant it was canning season.  And that meant lots of heavy sloppy remains in that bright Summer NC sunshine.

But now, with apartments and Farmer's Markets and such, this is no longer the case.
And while The Fuzz does not miss the heavy lifting, he does lament the fact that a lot of people have lost touch with the earth and her seasons.

But enough said for now.  The Fuzz says he doesn't want to go off on a rant today…
So enjoy your fresh veggies no matter where they came from.

*For those unfamiliar with The Fuzz, he collected garbage for over 33 years.