Friday, June 27, 2008

Sorry Seating

My regular readers (both of them) will realize by now that The Fuzz has been known to occasionally get onto a Motorcycle. It seems that his motorcycle is getting a bit rough.
One of these "rough" things is the Seat. The Fuzz's poor bike spends hours parked in the hot sun, whilst he slaves away on the Garbage Truck. He knows this beautiful sunshine is not so good for the bike, but this bike must live in the real world. Once he tried protecting this seat with Armor all, or something like that. This was OK except it made it difficult for him to stay on the now, very slippery, seat. This was not the best situation, so he did not repeat it.
But over the years, I'm sorry to report, that the summer sunshine took it's toll and you can see here the sad state of things.
It seems the time had come to do something about this, and here we see his seatless bike.
As luck would have it, one of The Fuzz's coworkers does a bit of upholstery on the side. And so this very day, The Fuzz took his pitiful motorcycle seat over for surgery. We hope things work out for him.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Why not make a cover? All you need is an old beach size towel. Attach some grommets to it (somehow) and get some bungee cord and there you go.

The cover will take the brunt of the sun.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

It might be worth the trouble.

Anonymous said...

bike riders (of the pedal variety) do the seat cover thing, we noticed it in Europe a lot, when they go into a store pr something they lock up the bike and put on a cover - i guess they carry in a pocket or something - to protect seat - mostly from rain i think - you don't want to show up to your next stop w/ a wet butt...