Sunday, August 09, 2009

Now There's a Plan!

This just in....

"Russian soccer fans have been told to drink whiskey on their trip to Wales for next month's World Cup qualifier to ward off the H1N1 swine flu virus, the head of the country's supporter association (VOB) said Monday."

The Fuzz says this sounds a lot better than getting a shot...

"That should cure all symptoms of the disease."

Hey, if it's good enough for the Ruskies, it's good enough for me. Maybe we don't really need this Health Reform after all.


maria said...

good Stratagy... this way if they are sick - they sure as hell won't know about it - or complain much about it! usually i like to use windex miricals!!

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

It occurred to me that they're still getting a "shot".

The Lazy Iguana said...

You think that rum will work just as well as whiskey? I like rum better.

Flor de Cana 7 year is the way to go. The 3 year is not bad either.

This reminds me. I bought a 6 pack of Sam Adams "Longshot". The 6 pack contains two bottles of thee different 2008 national homebrewing competition winners. One winner is a double IPA. I need to crack one open I think.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Love that India Pale Ale. I believe it is a Sierra Nevada. What's a double like?

Woodie said...

hhhmm.... this is kinda like the home remedy doug's mom has for colds. equal parts whisky, lemon juice and honey! whew, it will knock you down. I think i drank more than the recommended does, tho. lol.

The Lazy Iguana said...

A lot of brewers make an IPA. Sierra Nevada makes a pretty darn good Pale Ale. They also make a "Torpedo" IPA. It is harder to find but worth the effort.

They stuff I got form Sam are recipes from the 2007 national home brew competition. I have not tried the double yet - but I think it is going to be great.

A double IPA uses more malt and hops. It will have a darker color, a higher alcohol content, and of course a more pronounced hops bite. Sometimes they can be too heavy, so you only want one.

The difference in a pale ale and an India pale ale is more hops. Back in the day beer shipped from England would go bad in transit to India. So they put more hops in the beer. The hops contains a natural preservative - allowing it to make the voyage. to India.

The ex-pats in India grew fond of the beer style, and when they returned to England they would ask for it. It became known as "India Pale Ale".