We promised a look at some of those Renaissance Characters running loose out there. You don't meet a fellow like this very often on the outside, but here you will.
This whole Renaissance Affair is a lot more fun if one dresses appropriately. If one were to dress like this on the street, one might get locked up, especially if armed. But here you can carry your broadsword all you want. This is the home of broadswords & beer. They do insist on tying a piece of ribbon around it, but so what.
This guy does seem to be a hit with the ladies though.
We did watch a couple of the acts. But for the most part, we didn't do much, but walk around and look. Even if you can't buy, you can get ideas on how to make your own cool stuff.
So here's one more of those Renaissance Characters for you.
wow. great dragon get-up.
I am LOVIN the dragon...haha - i needed that Dad- thanks :)
I should go to some festivals here. I can sure partake in the whole "drink flagons of ale" thing.
I might even go for the meade, just because it is there.
As for the dress, I suppose "authentic" would be clothes not washed for months, and smeared with horse crap. But that would be gross. And it would soil my truck, which back then did not really exist.
Then again - maybe 100% authentic is not the point.
It seems like these types of things are better in your area. Down here the festivals mostly suck.
We just like to have fun.
we tasted some VA meade this past weekend. I don't think it's really my thing, but it was kinda cool to taste it. This is the place that made it: blacksnakemead.com, but we tasted it in Flyod VA at "†he tasting room" on the main street there.
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