Sunday, March 07, 2010

Still At It

Yesterday we saw Alice. Here's today's little project. Ever since we moved out here The Fuzz's Sweetie has been trying to pile stuff up in this closet. There were a couple of rickety shelves but most of the stuff ended up in a pile on the floor. That's OK sometimes for some things, but this was mostly stuff that was needed frequently.
So it was time for another trip to that Home Improvement Store. So they slipped on into town and picked up a few (expensive) boards. Once they made it home, The Fuzz had a beer. And then he knocked these shelves together.
The weather has been pretty nice, and should be for a few more days. Next we're hoping to get a bit of grass sown. Then, there are fruit trees to plant. I guess we'll stay right busy for a while.

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