Sunday, June 06, 2010


The other day, as we were winding down for the evening, the Young Daughter came running in, wanting us to "come quick".She had been down in the woods by the creek and found this little Fawn. The Fuzz and His Sweetie ran down to look and it was still there.
Realizing this was one of those Photo Opportunities, The Fuzz ran back for his camera.The little thing didn't seem to be afraid of us. We were able to walk up to it and pet on it.
We never did see Mommy anywhere though.
We finally went back up to the trailer figuring Mommy would show up to get Little Bambi. And later when we checked on him, he was gone.

1 comment:

Azulparsnip said...

just a babe in the woods- a hushed and glorious occasion -