Monday, December 27, 2010

Glacier Again

This keeps amazing The Old Fuzz.
Shortly after we moved out here in the woods, we got together a Roofing Party.
The Fuzz is partial to tin roofs for a number of reasons that we won't get into at this time. But, one feature of this tin roof is our own, "Personal Mini Glacier".
Note, in this first pix, how the snow and ice buildup has slowly made its way out, and over the edge of the roof. In this next pix, you can see, at the arrow, a strange little icicle, sticking out at an odd angle. This little fellow was at one time hanging down like any other respectable icicle. But as the Mini Glacier slowly move on, said icicle, found itself a bit disoriented, as can be seen.
And in this last shot, you will notice*, at the arrow, The exposed roof, that has been deprived of its icy coating.
Well, the main roads are pretty much clear now. There has been a bit of wind though, and drifting snow, which is unusual for this area. But, the sun is out, and it is expected to reach the high of 33°. But then back to 17° tonight.

*As always, you can Click on the Pix for a closer look!


Woodie said...

it's amazing what wild things snow and ice can do... :) we had some pretty big ice spikes, too, but they are melting, just like our poor snowman is, now that the sun is out....

Davey Doo said...

looks so quiet and peaceful