Monday, February 28, 2011


The next time he woke, all was quiet. It was dark, there was no TV. There was some light from the window. It must be the moon, he thought. But why were there no streetlights? And why was it so quiet?

He found that he could move again. And he was thirsty. He got weakly to his feet and stumbled toward the kitchen. The apartment was dark. When he tried the lights, nothing, but he found the refrigerator in the dim light from the window. The bottled water inside was warm, but he drank it thirstily. The power must have been off for a long time already.

He wanted something to eat and found some bread. But he was afraid of the ham he found in there. There was no telling just how old it was, and it was warm too. At least his appetite was returning. He found some cheese, and gave it the sniff test. It passed, barely.

He seemed to be getting his strength back, somewhat, and made his way to the window. The whole neighborhood was dark, and the street was empty. It was like the whole town was deserted. He wondered what time it was, or even what day it was. He looked at the clock on the TV, but with the power out, it was dead too. His cell phone was dead also.

He would just have to wait it out until morning. In the distance he heard a dog barking. At least there was something alive, somewhere.

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