Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bing Gananda 26

Samuel Tindor had watched in silence as Bing Gananda "Sang to the wind". Then, as the clouds gathered, she called Pandurina, and they rushed off, into the night. He was left alone.
The wind began to rise. Before long it was roaring through the treetops. Leaves and small branches were torn from the trees. Tindor could hear limbs falling to the ground throughout the jungle. Then the rain struck, and he sought shelter in the cat's den beneath the tree roots.
He lay there in the dark, listening to the raging storm. He thought about the Mary Anne and wondered how she would ride this out.
And then, a thought of the Shadocatch, Tomono, came to him. Tindor thought of him out in the storm, and wondered how he was. They were Blood now. Was it always like this?
And what of Bing Gananda? He felt cold, and touched his own clothing. It was dry, but for some reason, he had thought it wet for a moment. She was Blood with him too.
He shuddered, and lay in the dark waiting for the morning.

"Captain" Martin went down as the water swirled around him. He was slammed into the bottom and became confused. He no longer knew which way was up. The waves rolled him over and over, and pounded him against the bottom. Finally he could hold out no longer and the air burst from his lungs and he choked on sea water.

When Martin woke, he was laying in the wet sand. The storm had passed, only to be replaced with a thick fog and chill. It was still dark. He had no idea how he had gotten there. There was no sound other than the gentle lapping of the water on the sand.
He listened carefully for any voice, any sign that he was not alone. There was nothing. Then, finally, there was a distant voice, muffled in the fog.
"This one's dead too."
Martin was relieved. Someone, at least, had survived. He tried to shout, but only gasped in pain. He had several broken ribs, and he couldn't move his legs. He began to drag himself painfully in the direction of the voices.

Tindor was surprised at how quickly the storm had died. Then, the fog had moved in. He could barely see a half dozen yards. He was surprised when Bing Gananda joined him in the cat's den.
She was soaking wet.
"I'm cold, Sam Eu-el," she said as she lay down beside him. She seemed very subdued.
Then she moved closer. Tindor pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. She was shivering. Bing Gananda seemed very small to him. Finally, she was still.
"Sam Eu-el?"
"Is evil... Can One catch it?"
"Catch it? Like a sickness?"
Tindor thought about it. It was easy to go along with it when it was all around you. But it was still a choice. Not all the crew had went with Martin. He remembered Jack, and his last words to Grinder.
"Maybe. Maybe you can catch it, But you don't have to."
"I wrecked your ship."
"I know." He had known it somehow.
Bing Gananda curled up beside him. Tindor wrapped her in his arms. She was crying.

*Bing Gananda may also be found in the sidebar, at the right.

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