Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Well, when The Fuzz went to mount the rails for the sliding doors on the shed, he found that this one had a dent.  Said dent was bad enough so that the rollers would bind.  It was possible to force the rollers though.  That might have been the easy way, but it wouldn't be the cowboy way!
 Careful measurements showed The Fuzz that the track was supposed to be 1 3/4" wide.  
 So The resourceful Fuzz went to his toolbox and found his 1 3/4" spacer. (which also happens to be a 30mm socket*)
 But of course with the ding there, the socket wouldn't slide into the position where it needed to be.
 A piece of scrap* left over from the framing (The Fuzz has a tendency to hang on to these things) was driven into the slot.  This enabled The Fuzz to position this special tool correctly.
 Pounding against the plywood floor was ineffectual, so the rail was backed up* with this splitting maul.
 The Fuzz then hammered around the original ding, thus bringing the rail into a reasonable semblance of what it was supposed to be.
 It worked, and now there is no problem with the rollers or track.  

*Another handy Techno-Tip

1 comment:

Davey Doo said...

Handy dandy