Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Mountains and More

The Fuzz has been enjoying his new opportunity to take that motorcycle out.  Last week he decided to shoot up to the Parkway one more time while the weather was still nice.

The leaves were starting to turn just a bit.  They seem to be a little late this year to us.

The Fuzz likes to pick up a deli sandwich on his way and stash it in the saddle bag.  Then he'll stop at one of the picnic sites, or just an overlook (some have tables) for a break and leisurely lunch.

But there was a slight complication this time.  Which is the basis for this little pix.

And a Tale of Woe.

Here we go-

This is actually the pre-shopped pix.

The Fuzz was well aware that he was riding on a pretty slick tire.  But not expecting rain, he thought he would be fine.  The thought was that this tire would last until the cold weather set in.  Then he would replace it, as he did some other work on the beat-up little bike. 

But just before The Fuzz's lunch break, another biker approached him at an overlook.  In the course of the conversation, Our Fuzz's rear tire came up.  He was shocked to see that not only was it slick, but it was sick... very sick.

Not only were the threads showing, they were worn though in places.

This was at the farthest point out of the planned route.

The ride home was actually uneventful.  But a May-Pop tire does dampen one's enthusiasm and enjoyment of those twisties.

We are happy to report that The Fuzz did make it home to the woods, safe and sound.

A new tire was ordered from good old J C Whitneys.

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