Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Zero Tolerance

"An AutoZone worker who stopped an armed robbery by retrieving a weapon from his truck said he was fired by the company for violating their gun policy."

Does this make any sense ?

1 comment:

The Canuck said...

Only cause AutoZone doesn't want to get sued. They would rather take the loss of the theft, which is usually small, then deal with a potential lawsuit that involved violence or injury - which is usually not a small sum of $$$$. They fired him because he showed that he is a risk of future potential lawsuit. This is corporate thinking to a TEE. They don't care if someone was about to be hurt inside and that this guy might have saved lives. It's all about the money. At Walmart they told us that if there was a robbery that we were NOT to try to stop them and if we did we would be fired, whether that was with a gun or not. If other people's lives were in danger and our actions put other people's lives in danger (lawsuit) we would be terminated. Even if we saved everyone's lives. Fucking stupid.