Saturday, November 02, 2013

Near Disaster Update

You may recall a Near Disaster mentioned in some previous posts.  Well, The Fuzz's little injury did slow progress a bit.  With the driveway clear, it was time to do a bit of work on the site itself.  This involved leveling things somehow, and removing a few stumps.
So The Fuzz got out his brand new heavy-duty Come-a-long.
One end was chained to a solid stump.  This one does not have to be removed to get the new carport set up.  And the other end was chained to the stump to be removed.  This one was smaller, and a bit rotten as well.
The Fuzz's plan called for simply pulling it from the ground, like an old rotten tooth.  And with the tremendous power available with this excellent piece of equipment, it worked!
He pulled a couple more stumps with this set-up, and a bit of work with a mattock.
Here's a look at the site.
And the log from the tree that had caused all this trouble was finally cut into firewood as well.
Here's a look at The Poor Fuzz's Paw.  It has healed well.  It is still a bit stiff, and there are some numb areas.  He might not be able to play the violin though.  But since he couldn't do that before this unfortunate affair, it is no big loss.


The Canuck said...

Wow! That looks a lot better.

Davey Doo said...

Nice job