Monday, January 27, 2014

Mother of All Toaster-Ovens!

The Fuzz and His Sweetie have a little system worked out to help preserve their sanity since his retirement.
Once a week, one of them will spend the evening and night over at the Old Place.This has the added benefit of keeping up with things over there.
Then, after a lonely night they will meet up for breakfast at one of the local restaurants.
One of their favorites has one of those "Thrift Stores" located beside it.  This one is run by the Veterans.  The Fuzz and His Sweetie slipped in* the other morning after breakfast.  Whilst perusing the various items, Our Fuzz came upon this gem.
This must be the Mother of All Toaster-Ovens!
Now it just so happens that since there no longer is a cookstove** at the Old Place, a toaster-oven would be useful, and in fact they already have a $2 one from the Goodwill.
But this was tempting.
Check out all these features.
But $30 for a thrift store toaster-oven?
It was tempting, but The Fuzz just had to let this one go.

*This, of course, was not the first time.  The Fuzz actually purchased his only suit here when he needed one for a wedding!

**It turned out that the old stove from the trailer had a tendency to give the occasional electric shock.  So it was discarded .

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