Sunday, March 02, 2014

A Place to Sit

So, what's the story here?

At the Old Place, the living room seating was a built-in "couch" of sorts that ran along two walls.  It served a large family well, in fact it is still used when someone is at the Old Place.  But, when The Fuzz and His Sweetie made their move to the woods, it had to be left behind.
There was a "sofa" of sorts in one of the back rooms.  It had the added benefit of folding down to make a bed.  But it was really a cheap piece of junk, and quite uncomfortable when it came down to it.  So The Fuzz and His Sweetie decided to find a replacement.
Whilst in town the other day, they popped into a couple of Thrift Stores without any success.  Then His Sweetie suggested they try a localmultimerchandizer*.  The Fuzz had been to the Norris Merchandise in the past for work clothes, and he and His Sweetie once found a good deal on a coffee table there.
Well, it turned out that they had lots of new couches there, nice couches.
They found this one.  There was plenty of room for everyone!  
But Our Home in the Woods is actually only a trailer.  Would it fit?  Careful measurements were taken, to be compared to the actual space available.  It turns out that no, it wouldn't.
But by then it was only a matter of curiosity.  For Our Fuzz and His Sweetie had found this one!

And they deliver!
It was a tight squeeze getting it in.  The Fuzz had to take the sliding glass door out.  But the Two Stout Fellows from the store managed it.
So here we are, genuine leather and all.  And it sits so nice.

*There must still be a few drops of that old Germanic blood left in Our Fuzz!


Davey Doo said...

Nice couch, I guess the old truck seat had its run

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Oh, the truck seat is still on duty. That one is a keeper.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...
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