Sunday, May 04, 2014


Well, once again, it has been a while since The Fuzz has posted.
At the moment he is on a "visit" to His Brother who is in the hospital.
He wishes he had better news, but His Brother is not doing all that well at the moment.
But, we are hoping for improvement.
This is quite a place.
This part is quite new.
His room overlooks this garden.
This view is actually from the 8th floor.  Apparently the garden is on the roof of a lower level.
And it lights up at night!
The Fuzz spent the night there trying to keep His Brother company and give his wife a break.
It's a pretty high-tech place with all the bells and whistles.
Of course it would be better not to be here at all, but things are what they are.
Hopefully, things will get better.
One more night shot.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

cool garden on the rooftop. sorry about the location, though, not a fun place to be. :-(