Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Carport Project II

As a preacher once said,
"A lot can come out of one 'but'."
But to get back to the situation-
The carport was filled with gravel, yet there was a rather large pile of the crushed rocks in front of it.
This would make it a bit difficult to actually use the thing.
This, however was not a mistake.
But it did mean there was more work in store for Our Fuzz and His Sweetie.
Phase 1 was to spread gravel in front of the carport in an area that tended to be a bit slippery in wet weather.
Then it was on to phase 2.
Gravel was spread up the drive in the tire tracks.
This will also help out this winter.
Here's a look at the automobile in it's cozy new berth.
And a overall look at the completed project.

1 comment:

The Canuck said...

Looks great :)