Thursday, September 11, 2014

And More Stuff...

The Fuzz's Sweetie is a big fan of gardening.  It hasn't always been easy out here in the woods.  New ground had to be broken up.  And the soil is not quite up to the standard of the Old Place, where it had been built up over 30 years.  And there are all the trees, and their shade.
Now shade is nice on a hot summer day, but not necessarily the best thing for a garden.
So The Fuzz's Sweetie had asked him to get out the chainsaw sometime and go to work on this.  And with cooler weather in the future there was a use for the wood.
So The Fuzz has been doing a bit of tree cutting.
There is still a bit more to cut, but this should open up things around the garden a little more.
And there are still plenty of trees left.

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