Thursday, November 20, 2014

Saw Situations

Well, the winter weather has seriously moved into the woods.
So that means a fire,
Which means.
The Fuzz was working on this the other day when his cheap chainsaw finally tanked on him.
This thing has been aggravating off and on over the years, but he had always managed to patch it together somehow.
The Fuzz suspected the carburetor this time.
But after he took it apart and cleaned it, there was no improvement.
At this point he suspected the fuel pick-up in the tank.  Perhaps it was clogged.
So he got a piece of wire and fished the thing out of the tank.
Something was missing here!
He managed to get the filter thing out finally.
But there seemed to be no problem, other than it had become detached.
He put it all back together.
But the thing still refused to do more than spit a few times before it quit again.
A new spark plug didn't help either.
And so The Long Suffering Fuzz finally gave in.
It was time to "bite the bullet" as it were, and get a new chainsaw.
This time he decided to go for quality over economy, and went to the Local Stihl Dealer.
He did get to break it in on a couple of large trees over at a neighbor's place.
And it cut good!
Well, they say you get what you pay for.
Let's hope they're right in this case.

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