Friday, December 12, 2014

Not Quite Blind

Some readers may remember how The Fuzz or His Sweetie will spend a night over at the Old Place from time to time to keep their sanity.  Well, this was The Fuzz's turn.
With the colder weather he had decided to not ride over on his bike.  The arrangement was for His Sweetie to drop him off, and then in the morning pick him up.  Then, they would go for a fine breakfast at a local cafe.
Since it was a sunny day, Our Fuzz was wearing his cool shades on the way over.
His Sweetie was on a tight schedule, so they hurriedly unloaded some firewood from the car trunk, and she headed out.  It was only then that The Unfortunate Fuzz realized he was still wearing his shades.
This was fine in the bright sunlight, but sucked in the dim light inside.  The Old Place always has been a bit dark on the inside.
When he was unable to flag her down, The Fuzz tried his cell phone.  But the thing wouldn't work.
After a bit of frustration, he took out the card, cleaned it and then reinserted it.  Now at last the thing worked.
He had hoped to catch His Sweetie while she was still in town and she could drop off his real glasses, which were still in the car.
But alas, it was not to be.

So Our Fuzz resigned himself to an evening without glasses.
This may not seem like much to those blessed with the proverbial 20/20, but for The Fuzz, it was a significant thing.

The first thing, was of course a fire in the heater.
No Problem.
It's not like he is plumb blind or anything.

With a good fire going it was time for some dinner.
The Fuzz went for some spaghetti.
Here's a look at how wood heat can double as a cookstove.
The dinner was good, and he was also able to find his mouth without his spectacles.
The Fuzz did make it through the night okay.
After all, he can see his dreams well enough without their assistance.

1 comment:

vi said...

:-( sound notfun!! I would be totally blind ... pooooo