Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Pond Project

Suffice it to say that that Adventurous Fuzz made it home to the woods, safe and sound.

But there was a job waiting there...
The New Water Feature.

This idea had been around for a while.
It was one of those things that seemed like a good idea, but never quite made it past the "good idea" phase.
When it comes down to it, Our Fuzz is not much of a self starter.
Sometimes it takes a good woman to get things moving,
and in this case, The Fuzz's Sweetie was that "Good Woman."

The 1st step was some online research.
Then a liner and pump were ordered.

With both of them digging, the hole was done surprisingly quickly, although it did get a bit complicated when the template didn't seem to match the liner.
Sand was brought up from the creek to line the bottom of the hole.
Then the liner was put in, and slowly filled while The Fuzz tried to pack sand behind it.
Once it was filled, The Fuzz began to put some of the rocks in place.
But this was not to be merely a simple pool.
The plan called for an upper pool with water cascading down to the lower, main, pool.
Here we see a rough idea of this.

How did it come out?
Well, the story will continue...

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