Sunday, June 14, 2015

Still Livin'

Just a quick post here to show that The Fuzz is still living.

We would like to report that The Fuzz and His sweetie did make it back home to the woods safe and sound.
They did have quite an adventure, being gone about 3 weeks this time.
 Maybe The Fuzz will have more to say about that later.
But for now... no.

But he has been busy since their return.
There was a bit of yard work to catch up on.
And He finally got around to working on the "bricks".
Going back...
Way back...
To the start of the Pond Project.
A close look will show that there were more than rocks involved in this delivery.
The Bricks were to be used for the Fuzz's shop,
in the "carport" area where he parks his bike, and works on larger projects.
This kept being put off for various reasons-
some not all that good.
But now it was time to get it done.
New steps!
Of course it is not exactly finished.
The Fuzz needs to add a bit of mortar to the bricks on the edges, and sweep a bit of sand into the gaps between the bricks.
But it is a big improvement.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

Looking good!