Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Dry..? Not Dry..?

It has been kinda dry out here in the woods lately.
And Hot as well.
But when The Fuzz walked down to the small creek behind the trailer yesterday, he was a bit surprised to find this situation!
What happened to the water?
There were a few pools left here and there...
But No Flow!
The creek bed was still pretty wet, and when he poked his cane down into the sand, some water did seep into the hole.
But, Yikes!
In the pool pictured above, several small fish were swimming back and forth, with nowhere else to go.
After some thought, and a word with His Sweetie, The Fuzz decided to try and move at least a few of those guys up into the Garden Pond.  It is already stocked with some of those "feeder" goldfish (8 for a dollar) from the pet store.
The guys from the creek weren't any bigger than the current residents, so The Fuzz figured they might get along okay.
And as things were looking at this point...
they were

Not having any sort of net, The Fuzz tried to use a bit of window screen, and a bucket to catch those little guys.
But it didn't work out very well.
As soon as he got in there, he stirred up so much muck that it was impossible to even see them, let alone catch the boogers!
So he gave it up as a lost cause.

This morning, he took a look to see how they were doing.
This time...
What the hell?

No water yesterday...
And no rain since...
But now???

Where'd this come from?
And The Fuzz's little friends seem to be doing okay without him!

Well, one can't complain about this of course,
But it does seem a bit strange,
At least to The Fuzz!


Jandi for The Fuzz said...

It did rain a bit the evening of this post.

Woodie said...

i guess every little bit helps. mysterious.