With the colder weather closing in, The Fuzz decided that this might be his last shot at a motorcycle trip for the season.
He thought a trip to the coast might be good, and since there is family there, he could have a visit- and a bike trip.
The destination was Wilmington, NC.
Some readers might have been following the news lately, and if so, they will be aware that the weather has been a bit extreme down there as of late.
But since the worst of things seemed to be in South Carolina, The Fuzz figured it might be worth a shot, although he did delay the trip 1 day to wait for things to clear up a bit.
And so with the sun finally breaking through here in the woods, he headed out on the first leg of his ride.
The first stop was in Durham (also family) which broke up the ride a little and made things a bit easier on The Fuzz's butt.
As he moved to the east, he rode back into the clouds-
and even a touch of rain.
But the weather "experts" has predicted that this would be gone in the morning.
And sure enough, it was.
So after a good night's rest, Our Fuzz was back on the road, headed for the coast.
About half way there, he rode back into the clouds.
But there was no more actual rain, and he made it into Wilmington safe and dry.
He spent the next day just kicking back, and later rode into town to check out the scene downtown on Front Street.
The last time he was there he ran into the Azalea Festival, but this time, there was not all that much going on.
He did see a couple of cool bikes though.
The first was some kind of Honda.
But he had no clue on this other.
Whilst in town he found this cool little Tardis for His Sweetie who is a big Doctor Who fan.
The next morning, the weather was still fine.
So after a stop for coffee and a bite of breakfast, The Fuzz rode up US 17 toward Topsail Island to see if it was still there.
Fortunately, it was-
Although there had been a bit of the storm there.
This section of road was still closed.
But there was a detour around it.
The beach was not particularly crowded that day.
But there was a bit of fishing going on.
Things were pretty quiet out there.
After hanging out on the beach a bit The Hungry Fuzz rode back to Surf City for some lunch.
(and beer)
Then it was time to ride back to the city.