This of course would not do for the long term-
or even the short term.
(The need to get back on the trailer)
It was necessary to provide a way to raise, or lower the thing as needed.
So a Temporary Winch Arrangement was provided.
This would serve while the rest of the work on the boat continued.
This pix shows what was finally put together.
But several earlier attempts were not as successful due to the weight of this massive piece of steel.
This winch is what will be used when finished, but probably not in this exact set up.
The final arrangements will be made as the boat is finished up.
But this will work for now.
All that was left now was to get her back onto the trailer.
This of course was the reverse process of taking her off.
And eventually accomplished.
The Fuzz would like to thank everyone involved, for letting him observe.
He does have a bit of interest in the subject.
Who knows?
Perhaps someday he may be involved in these things himself-
But probably not on this scale!
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