Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sawtooth Water

Getting back to The Fuzz's recent camping experiences...

When we left Our Fuzz, all were settled in for the night.  And that was fine.  But in the previous post, you might have noticed a footnote (*) regarding the source of water for this camp...
The Little River.
The Fuzz had been told that campsite #1 was the "closest" to the water.  It turned out that while this was technically true, it was insignificant.
At that end of the campground, there was a trail noted by a sign indicating "Water".
So The thirsty Fuzz strapped on his canteen and headed down the trail.
It seems that in this case, the proverb about "leading a horse to water- but not making him drink" didn't apply.
Here you couldn't even lead him to it!
The Fuzz followed the trail down for a good ways...
Until he came to this.
So let's follow this one for a while.
Next was...
Down and down...
On we go.
This time no sign was needed, as one could finally hear the water.
Really, it was a nice little water hole.
The water ran over a vein of bedrock...
Clear and cold.
The Fuzz filled up his gallon canteen and water/wine skin.
And since it was a hot day and he was tired and quite alone...
Got in himself.

Then it was back up the hill again to camp.
One thing he could say was, at this camp you sure won't waste any water!

1 comment:

Woodie said...

That is quite a ways to travel.