Thursday, June 30, 2016

Family Camping

Besides fresh berries, Summertime is good for campouts.  And recently the family gathered at Jordan Lake for just that purpose.
Since there was a boat involved, sites on the lake were desirable, and reserved ahead of time at the Poplar Point Campground.  If one can put in for one in time, there are campsites available right on the lake shore.
There is a highway nearby but it is easy to forget about that while you are there.
The Fuzz and His Sweetie made it in before dark and set up camp.  Most of the others were already there and supper was waiting.
Then after a time around the campfire it was time for bed.
The Fuzz was up early and while His Sweetie was occupied with her own things he headed down to the lake.
The early sun was starting to hit parts of the shoreline by now.
He was not the only one out there.
Other folks were enjoying a quiet morning on the water.
There was just a touch of mist on the surface of this cove.
It was time to go back to camp for a bit of breakfast.
It's nice having people who are into campfire cooking!
Later The Fuzz got his little kayak out and did a bit of exploring.
He stopped here on shore to take care of some coffee-related personal business.
But he couldn't stay long - the flies were vicious!
The rest of the day was nice, with great weather, and swimming to cool off.
Then it was evening again.
The sun was going down across the lake.
The Fuzz couldn't resist a last shot of the sun shining through this tent.
Then after some time at the campfire, the Fuzz slipped off to bed.

1 comment:

Violet said...

What a nice visual capture of the time!!! Love this :-) Nicely done.