Thursday, September 08, 2016

A Medical Situation

Well, stuff happens as they say.  And sometimes it happens to The Fuzz.
It's no secret  that he has been cutting firewood for years, and that some of those chunks can get a bit heavy.
It is also a fact that Our Fuzz is a bit foolish at times, and has a tendency to not ask for help* when it would have been a good idea.
It turned out that what he tried to convince himself was only strain, wasn't going away.
And then the day came when he pushed on that little bulge and felt (and heard) something gurgle.
While discomforting, The Fuzz figured this was something he could live with as long as he was careful.
Eventually it was mentioned to His Sweetie, and passed on to other family.

That was when things hit the fan.
The family is large by contemporary standards and some members are or have been involved in the medical field.
The Fuzz started receiving phone calls...
long phone calls.
At this point His Sweetie became involved.

The Fuzz's view that people must have lived with these sort of things for thousands of years didn't seem to hold much weight.

In short...
He made an appointment with the surgeon.

And surgery was scheduled.

Well, it's been a couple of days now, and The Fuzz is glad to report that he is still living and beginning to move around a bit.

He regrets that there are no pictures, but perhaps that is for the best.
They wouldn't let him bring his camera, and besides he doesn't remember anything after being wheeled into the hallways himself.

So we'll just post a few more from the camping trip!

*It may be debated whether this is a macho thing or simply stupidity.


Violet said...

LOL - I think I told Joy (a friend) at one point ... Dad had to many kids to think he can get away with not taking care of himself :-) We're happy you're better!!!

Love you!!!

Woodie said...

HA HA HA yep! that's what the pope who love you do! Call you on your $h!t, get on your nerves and make sure you take care of yourself. XOXO Hope you are on the mend and starting to feel better.