Well, things are moving along OK, sort of. You can see here Water down there in this new well. At this time there was about 38' of cool clear water in this High Dollar Hole. This is good.
What is not so good is that The Fuzz was a bit confused and thought there was a "well permit" that there wasn't. It should be noted that The Fuzz is not very adept at dealing with bureaucracies and all that red tape stuff. It was not the Well Guy's bad. He asked if there was such a permit and the somewhat confused Fuzz thought he had one. The result of this debacle (thanks to The Fuzz's Sweetie, who handled it) was that a real "well permit" was obtained, but at a price. There was, of course, a stiff penalty involved, but at least the well didn't need to be moved. 
And here's a look at this troublesome well. As you can see the work was continued till dark. The job's not finished yet. But these cement "tiles" are in there and some gravel was added today.
This all has to be sealed with more cement. Then it gets a pump, and a line to the trailer.
We'll try to get some more pix up of this fascinating process.
And now, here is a look at That Stupid, Disobedient Dog and her new buddy, The Buddha Buddy.
As can be seen, they seem to be getting on fine.
Here they are in the process of destroying one of The Fuzz's old socks.