Friday, February 01, 2008

Poalima, The Day of Water

As you will notice, today is Poalima, 1st of Pepeluali. You may not realize it yet, but this is a special day for us. This is The Day of Water.

It seems, that after many false promises, and outright lies, the Weather Service finally got it right. There was Rain. And not only Rain, but enough to effect that change we'd been hoping and praying for.

You may recognize this view, but there is a crucial difference here. In the bottom of this hole, there is water. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. It has been months since there was water here in any appreciable amount. But now, thank God, it's here.

Today after a short day at work, The Fuzz went home to discover this Wonderful Blessing. And so, he decided to give it a shot, and prime the pump.

If you've ever had to deal with this sort of thing, you may realize that it can be a royal pain. You may have to pour water over and over into a tiny hole, only to watch your hopes be crushed into the mud. The pressure will rise hopefully, only to suddenly drop to nothing, nada, zip. All that is left is to repeat the process. And repeat the process, until the plumbing spirits smile on you.

But I am happy to report, that this process was successful for The Fuzz, on the first try. This is unheard of, at least around here. Usually these things turn into an ordeal. But, today, Poalima, the 1st of Pepeluali, after only adding Three Cups of water for prime, we have Water. again. A very good way to start the new month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! glad to hear it!