Monday, February 16, 2009

Plumbing Problems

As Harvey Pekar has pointed out,"Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff". The Fuzz has found this to be true.
Take this situation for example. We have posted here, from time to time, updates, in the continuing saga of our Move to the Woods. I believe it was mentioned, back when we were involved with those exciting Mystery Pix, that we were anticipating the installation of a brand new Septic Tank. Well, it was installed, almost.
It seems that the Septic Tank Installer Guys are no longer allowed to actually hook up this important part of our new lifestyle. Something to do with licences or something. But since this is The Fuzz's own trailer, he is allowed to make this vital connection. And so, he was given detailed instructions and some pipe and stuff to accomplish this. Imagine his surprise when having completed this, he was told by the building inspector, it was just plain wrong. Now this inspector is not some heartless bureaucrat, but actually a reasonable person. He kindly explained what was wrong and told The Fuzz what to do to fix things. And so, that is what he is attempting to do.
Note in the above picture the presence of this "wrong fitting". In the picture below, you will see what is hopefully, the "right fitting"at "C". This fitting is supposed to be less subject to to being clogged up by nasty toilet paper and related matter. This is probably a good thing.
At "B" you will see the necessary "Purple Primer". It seems the old clear stuff is rather passe. Despite what he was told, gluing the pipe to the trailer is a no-no. At "A" we see the proper flexible rubber connection. To round things out,"D" points out the pipe to the Brand New Septic Tank.

We will get the inspector guy to come back and hopefully, this time, things will be OK and we'll move on to the next step.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh, pretty complex for sure.