Sunday, February 22, 2009

Powered Up

This is what it looks like.

We now have power. That's our new motto, "Power to the people!", the "people" in this case, being, us.
Admittedly, it is "temporary" power, but just as hot as the real stuff.
The Fuzz rode out Friday to check things out (and grab some firewood) and there he found this Brand New Electrical Meter. Now we can pay not one, but two power bills each month. That won't be all that much fun, but, now we can also use Power Tools! Power tools are always fun, and the thing is, they get the job done. And it is still a big job. But has been wisely said, "One foot up, and one foot down, that's the way to London town". Not that we plan on making that trip, but you get the point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, I guess from here it's
one foot up and one foot down
then glub, glub you drowned