Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Reclaiming Positions

"Reclaiming positions"

What is this "reclaiming positions" thing? Apparently, in this case, it means that teachers will be losing their jobs. "Reclaiming positions" is the local school board's terminology for lay-offs. And The Fuzz wonders why he gets confused about these things. But we thought we'd mention this so if any of our loyal readers runs into this terminology, they won't be as confused as we were around here. So beware if you boss mentions "reclaiming your position".

And now, here is the latest progress on our new trailer. In order to get approved by the county, we have to have porches (or the appropriate steps) by each of the (at least two) "Points of Egress" (doors) and underpinning.
So here is a look at one of our "Points of Egress" complete with a new porch and steps! The Fuzz took great pains to level everything up as you can see to the right. Of course, we'll still need one at the other "Point of Egress" but, one thing at a time. And there is still that underpinning as well. And we haven't even mentioned the extensive inside work. The Fuzz's Sweetie has been busy tearing out carpet and cleaning and scrubbing to get ready for painting and all that. But as we say around here, "One foot up, and one foot down".


vi said...

Looking good so far! :-)

deftgurl said...

wow, good progress, now that the weather is getting better, should be easier to get stuff done, i hope.