Thursday, April 23, 2009

Roofing & Shingles 2

About midnight more help began to trickle in, and in the morning we were back on the job. The edge boards were finished and some drip guards were installed. As more and more help arrived, the old shingles were stripped. This reveled a few more rotten spots which were then replaced. Here's a look at the "Naked Roof".

And here's an "Inside Look".

This is trippy to look at, but would not be much good under some rain. Rain was in fact being predicted.
All this hard and thirsty work could build up a good appetite. Fortunately, we had been well supplied with suitable refreshment.
Fortunately, those hard workers kept their beer consumption within "Up On The Roof" limits, and the entire roof was tarpapered before dark. There was also a good start on the shingles.
Finally it was kickback time.
Everyone had brought a contribution to the feast, and our host grilled some BIG FAT burgers. After a few of those beverages, The Fuzz risked his life, and climbed back to the roof for this shot of the neighborhood.

I am happy to report that he survived this foolishness.


maria said...

Sounds like you guys did a lot of work! did you guys finish?

maria said...

Oh wait - Tar that the shingles?

deftgurl said...

that is one well stocked fridge. :) nice shot under the rafters.