Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Mystery Reveled

In regard to our latest Mystery Pix, (which I might add the canuck guessed correctly) this was indeed floor tiles with plastic spacers. It could be possible that he had some sort of inside information on this subject. But we won't worry about that. The Noprize is his.
The Fuzz made a few pix while he was helping that Home Improving Son with some home improvements.
The first order of business was to decide in which pattern to lay these tiles. Eventually the staggered pattern to the left was chosen.
Since this is a bathroom, there were a number of cutouts to be made. After several unsuccessful attempts, that Resourceful Son worked out the system shown here utilizing a circular saw with a cement cutting blade.
Then, most of the complicated pieces were cut out and laid dry in the hope of avoiding any unpleasant surprises.
Here you can see that Well Equipped Fellow mixing up the "mud". When The Fuzz tried this at home, he had to use a hand trowel. He does not recommend this.
Next the dry laid tiles were pulled up (and carefully marked) and laid in the cement-type stuff.
This was started in the corner in an effort to end at the only door.
The Fuzz had to leave before the job was completely finished, so he had no shot of the finished job.
However, he was able to rip this one off from someone who was there. So here it is.
At last report, the grouting is finished and the commode is back in place. That was a long time to "hold it"!


Anonymous said...
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Woodie said...

looks great! So glad you are able to help davey doo out with this, he has his hands full! very lovely work. :)