Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This Cat Is Not Happy

This Kitty is not happy. They don't seem to enjoy walking around in this stuff. But then, I've never enjoyed walking around in it without shoes either. But she does seem to have found a small place to place the paws. But, the snow is pretty much gone around here now. The Kitties are happy about that. The Doggies come inside from time to time, but we've learned the hard way not to trust a cat. Yes, I'm afraid it's true-

A cat may like to feed on mouse.
A cat will poop inside your house.

So The Fuzz's advice is, "Never trust a cat". I suppose this might seem a bit hard hearted considering the snow and all, but this advice comes though painful experience.

And since we are dealing with Cabin Fever here, The Fuzz would like to present one more exciting ,
Mystery Pix!


Woodie said...

looks like a video game.

The Canuck said...

tile floor with tile spacers sticking out of it :)

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

That Canuck got it quick. He must know something about this stuff.