Sunday, September 12, 2010

Still At It

The Fuzz hasn't given up on this yet. It is a slow go though. He did get the rest of the piers mortared together though. Next, he'll have to get some lumber out here for the sills and floor joists.
He's hoping to get this together before winter sets in.
There's a number of things that need to be taken care of before then.
The Fuzz's Sweetie has been busy too. She is putting the finishing touch on our Unique and Impressive Floors. She had been unable to finish last fall before the cold set in and we had to keep the windows closed.
This has been a big job indeed. But we certainly have a unique and colorful place here. One of the neighbor boys was here the other day and remarked on how colorful our place is.
So as you can see, we are staying busy out here.

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