Monday, January 17, 2011

More Home Improvements

When we bought this trailer, one of the things we found out was how crummy the electrical outlets were.
They were just, flat out, wore out. We found that we had to bend the plugs on our light cords, just to make some kind of contact. And then, the plugs had a disturbing tendency to fall out.
The first time The Fuzz had to deal with these things, he found out that they were different than what he had always worked with before.
He slipped on over to the Home Improvement Store, but they had nothing like it. Apparently, he would have to replace them with the Normal kind.
Unfortunately, the normal kind requires a slightly larger hole.
It was time to break out that faithful Dremel Tool again. He chucked up one of those neat little cutting bits that look like drill bits, and went to work on the wall. He was careful not to cut the wires, which would have made this whole exercise pointless.
It might be worth mentioning at this point to any who might be involved in a similar situation, always remember to TURN OFF THE POWER*. This can easily be accomplished at the breaker box. I am happy to say that The Fuzz did not neglect this necessary step.
And of course, here is a look at one of the several replaced electrical outlets. And they work just fine.

*Another useful Techno-Tip!


Woodie said...

Good tip.

4th daughter said...

super i can plug my phone in! :)