Friday, January 14, 2011

A Seedy Bunch

With all this winter weather, it was time to give some thought to our little feathered friends. The Fuzz's Sweetie had procured a nice 25 lb sack of Sunflower Seeds.
Once the word got out, they swarmed the place.
These little fellows don't have very good table manners though. They tend to waste a lot, which ends up on the snow.
Fortunately, they provide their own Cleanup Crew. This is a rather lousy picture. It was made though the window screen.
And here's one last Birdie Pix.
We did have a time with all the snow. The Fuzz had 2 days off work. Of course when he did go back,There was a bit of a scramble to catch up. People don't stop eating, just because it snowed.

And here's a last shot of the doggies. That little one doesn't seem to want to come out and play.

1 comment:

4th daughter said...

tryin' 2 keep those birds alive, i c..... :D