Saturday, May 26, 2012

Coffee and More

Since The Fuzz's department has gone to 10 hour work days, he usually has Friday off.  This gives him and His Sweetie an opportunity, for "Fun Stuff".
This week they headed up to the City.
Their first stop was a coffee shop they previously seen.  But, The Fuzz was off of coffee for a month, so it had to wait. Well, the month was finally over, and it was Coffee Time.

Here's a couple Pix.

The Fuzz and His Sweetie had a bit of coffee, and worked a bit on their Sketching and Writing, as is their habit.  Their next stop was the fabric store.  No fabric was purchased, but they found a couple of small journal-sketchbooks on sale.
Then, they hit the Bead Store, to pick up  an item The Fuzz had ordered a couple of weeks ago.  The Last stop was the Wine Shop.

They enjoyed a couple of glasses out at a table under the umbrella.
Then it was time to head back to the Woods.


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