Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Table Saw

Moving along here with this Shed Project, The Fuzz took the trailer into town to get his Table Saw.  Of course this puppy is a hefty little puppy.  So the only way for The Fuzz with his questionable back to handle this, was to disassemble it.  While this was time consuming, The Fuzz and his hand truck were able to handle the components in this manner.  The collection was safely transported back to the woods for reassembly.

He also took this opportunity to install some casters under the stand.  This will enable him, or His Sweetie, to reposition this massive piece of equipment easily when necessary in these close quarters.  And that will be necessary from time to time especially when it is needed to rip longer boards.

As can be seen, there is still a lot of work to do here.  But as they say,"One foot up, and one foot down..."


Davey Doo said...

Nice, I put wheels on my table saw to aid in moving also, but some times this causes the table saw to be unstable especially when cutting on the ground, but I usually just add a couple 2x4s under it to stabilize it.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

This thing is so heavy I doubt that I'll be taking it outside.