Friday, March 01, 2013

Some Official Looking Mail

A while back The Fuzz found this bit of Official Looking Mail in the mailbox.  Not wanting to fool with it at the time, he put it in the drawer where these things go.  But this is not the sort of thing one can put off forever*.  Here in The Great North State, every thing motor-vehicle-like has been put into one huge messy file, and one can not renew a tag without a vehicle inspection.

Well The Fuzz's beat up little motorcycle will pass an inspection, as long as nobody gets too fussy about things.  Actually, it is mechanically sound, although it looks like crap.

And so with the weather looking tolerable, he put on his leathers and headed into town.

Things went fine and his little bike was entered into the state-wide system as rideable, and not a traffic hazard.

Rather then sending the paperwork back to Raleigh, he opted to simply ride over to the tag office and take care of things in person.

And that went well also.  Since he was already out and about, he  decided to take the long way home, and ended up freezing his tush off! 

*Although it must be confessed that the Outlaw Fuzz has ridden with dead tags at times!

1 comment:

Davey Doo said...

Yeah I tend to ride dirty every once in a while