Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Pay-By-The-Pound-Outlet-Store

On their way home from a recent family visit, The Fuzz's Sweetie and the Young Daughter prevailed upon The Fuzz to make an unscheduled stop in the Big City to hit the Thrift Store.

It must be admitted that The Fuzz has never been a big fan of this sort of thing.  But even he has had to admit, they do have their place.  He found a needed suit at one of the local places for $4.50 when it came down to it.

But this was the Big One, the Real Deal, the Pay-By-The-Pound-Outlet-Store.  

These places can get interesting.  Once at another "Outlet Store" he watched in amazement as a man checked out with an entire shopping cart of shoes!

So what are these ladies doing?
(besides texting)

Note the blue line on the floor.  This particular blue line has nothing to do with the mass transit in this city.  This is all part of a ritual of this place.  These ladies must stand behind this line as new bins of clothes are brought out.  Then the signal is given.  Then, and only then, can they tear though these latest piles of clothing.

But Our Fuzz's time was not completely wasted.  He did find a couple of serviceable shirts and a cool little book.  of course he was very glad to finally make it back to Our Home In The Woods.

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