Thursday, May 09, 2013

Mysterious Vine

Recognize this luxuriant vine clubbing the lucky tree?

Yup.  You guessed it.

This is a story of some young'uns some years ago.  At that time, before the Encroach of Civilization, The Old Place was a bit less urbanized than now.  Behind the wooded patch of backyard lay a horse pasture.  It was great fun to feed the horseys carrots and such.  One day it was discovered that the horseys found this particular type of vine rather tasty.  It was gathered in great handfuls, and devoured with much enthusiasm by these beasts.  It was only later that the identity of the vegetation was discovered by the unlucky children, furnishing a never to be forgotten lesson.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

"Now you can look but you better not touch"