Sunday, May 05, 2013

Wet Days

Well, we haven't seen much of the sun lately around here.  Oh, there may be a brief glimpse now and then.  But mostly wet and gloomy.  And more of the same for the next few days.

But The Fuzz did take advantage of a break in the rain for a walk in the woods not far from the trailer.  It was a nice break from being inside.

As can be seen, there's plenty of water in the creek.

Here's a look at the old "Footbridge".  The Fuzz put it down here years ago when this was our little campsite.  It's still here, and still solid enough.  It's an old timber from railroad bridge torn down and replaced years ago in town.  

Well, I guess it's still a "bridge" at least.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

picturesque bridge, but I'm guessing slipper when wet. :-) tread with care!