Sunday, July 07, 2013

Juiced Up- Day 7

Well here it is Day 7 of The Fuzz's Juice Fast.
There have been some ups and downs. (more about the "downs" later)  But all in all, it is working out pretty well.  Day 2 got a bit rough on the Old Fuzz.  There was a noticeable lack of energy, and an unpleasant headache.  But he and His Sweetie made it over to the Old Place to do a bit of gardening and cut the grass.

Things got a bit better from there.  By Days 5&6 they were feeling surprisingly good.  With plenty of top grade juice, there was actually little hunger as such.  But there was a strong craving for FOOD.
Some of their "meals" have had a bit of banana or avocado added to the juice with the blender.  It does make the stuff a bit thicker and extra yummy.
This morning, Day 7, there was a bit of ache in the joints, probably another level of Detox going on.  But there is still plenty of energy... and still a desire for a toasted cheese sandwich.

1 comment:

Davey Doo said...

Couldn't imagine, but it would take some discipline my first meal would have to be a greasy cheese burger of course I might not feel so good after though