Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Juiced Up

While at the beach,The Fuzz and His Sweetie received a gift of this Wonderful, Brand New Juicer Machine.

With some of the family starting to get into this Juicing thing, and having tasted the product, both The Fuzz and His Sweetie had become interested.  And of course it's HEALTY!  No doubt the flick, "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" had a bit of influence as well.
Well, even The Fuzz decided to bite the bullet as it were, and so Our Fuzz, His Sweetie, and even the Not So Young Anymore Daughter have embarked on this 10 Day Juice Fast.  So no food, beer or wine for 10 days.
Today is already Day 3, and The Fuzz is still living.  Day 2 was a bit rough for him with a headache and stuff like that.  But today is much better.  And besides, it's 30% over!
But he'll still have a little wait for that burger.


Woodie said...

brave new world.

4th daughter said...

good luck!