Thursday, August 01, 2013

International Travelers

The Fuzz was wanting to take his bike up to the mountains.  
But the weather wasn't cooperating very well.  Things were looking a little better today, so he decided to go for it.
The trip went well for the most part, although he did get a bit wet on the way home.
He was following a route that he has taken on several occasions.  This included a lunch break at the Crabtree Falls Picnic Area.  But when he got there the gate was closed!  We suspect this could have something to do with the current budget problems in Washington.  But the result was that Our Intrepid Fuzz rode on, looking for a nice picnic spot.  He finally found some tables at an overlook, and broke out his grub.
There was an un usual truck there.
And he noticed the tag.
These folks weren't from around here.
While TheFuzz ate his sandwich and beer, he attempted to draw this odd vehicle.
This was the result.
Before he left, The Fuzz did introduce himself.  It was indeed a German couple, Elke & Axel.  They brought the truck over by boat (obviously they couldn't drive it!) and started in Canada.  It was nice to meet them, but The Fuzz had to hit the road for home.  He made it most of the way without getting wet.  But he was not so lucky for the last 4 miles or so.  But hey,  it's all good, right? 

1 comment:

Robert said...

Wow. We were at Black Mountain campground 8/7 through 8/11 so just missed you. We did hike to Crabtree Falls and saw both the campground and picnic area closed.